Tron Wiki
Tron Wiki
The Repository
The Repository
Geographical information
Region Secondary Grid
Points of Interest Lobby
Administration Office
The Vault
Landing Pad
Admin Office
Other information
Designer ISOs
Behind the scenes
Appearances TRON: Identity

The Repository is a location in the game, TRON: Identity. It stands in the center of the civilization of the Arq Grid created by Kevin Flynn for the ISOs to inhabit.


TRON: Identity[]

Repository entrance

The entrance to the Repository

Many years after the creation of Arq Grid, a Grid for the ISOs, the system and its inhabitants created a society, standing in the center of this society was The Repository,[1] a building of great importance. In the present day, a theft occurred in the Repository, prompting Query, an investigator Program, to solve the mystery of the Repository's sudden theft.[2] While along the way, Query met many of the building's inhabitants and visitors.[3]

Points of Interest[]


" I'll be back for them before the end of your shift. And if they're not completed by the time I return... Well there are far worse punishments than the games I can assure you ."

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The Lobby is on the first floor of the Repository and it is designed to welcome guests and subtly remind them of the power contained and maintained within the Repository. Within the Lobby, there are Energy Falls.

Administration Office[]

This room serves as the domain of Prinz, the Repository's administrator.

