Tron Wiki

IMG 1577
Argon City
Geographical information
Region The Grid
Other information
Owners Clu 2
General Tessler
Inhabitants Programs
Behind the scenes
Appearances TRON: Uprising

Argon City was a city located in a far off corner on the Grid in TRON: Uprising. It had many elaborately designed buildings and one of the most sophisticated public transportation systems on the Grid, more so even than Tron City. The Light Rail system allows programs to easily travel around the city.

Points of interest

Able's Garage

Abke's Garage was a vehicle repair and experimentation area. It was where Beck, Zed and Mara worked. The mechanics there fixed Light Cycles, Light Tanks, Grid Limos and much more.

Able's office

Able's office was where the garage owner Able worked. He had several antique inventions there, including an original Bit and the Baton for the ENCOM-786.

The Coliseum

The Coliseum was a massive, circular arena where the Games were played. Disc Wars, Light Cycle battles and one-on-one fights have all happened there. It was refereed by General Tessler.

Argon Park

Argon Park was the main recreation are for the programs of Argon City until it was taken over by General Tessler. A giant statue of Clu was rezzed right in the middle of the playing field. This was later destroyed by the renegade, Beck.
