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В отместку, Флинн совершил несколько попыток взлома главной системы ENCOM при помощи своей лучшей хакерской программы - [[Клу]] - чтобы завладеть доказательствами обмана Диллинджера, но был замечен ПМК. Действия Флинна привели к тому, что Диллинджер был вынужден усилить защиту и закрыть доступ к центральной системе всем, включая программистов ENCOM. Среди последних оказался и [[Алан Бредли|Алан Брэдли]], в тот момент работавший над программой безопасности [[Трон]].
В отместку, Флинн совершил несколько попыток взлома главной системы ENCOM при помощи своей лучшей хакерской программы - [[Клу]] - чтобы завладеть доказательствами обмана Диллинджера, но был замечен ПМК. Действия Флинна привели к тому, что Диллинджер был вынужден усилить защиту и закрыть доступ к центральной системе всем, включая программистов ENCOM. Среди последних оказался и [[Алан Брэдли]], в тот момент работавший над программой безопасности [[Трон]].
Оказавшись неспособным вернуть себе свои авторские права самостоятельно, Флинн попросил помощи у своей бывшей девушки [[Лора Бейнс|Лоры]] и ее нового бойфренда [[Алан Бредли|Алана]]. Они решили помочь Флинну получить прямой доступ к компьютерной системе [[Encom]] и найти доказательства. Флинн должен был открыть Алану Брэдли доступ к Группе 6, что позволило бы тому запустить свою программу [[Трон]] и отдать команду на выключение [[Программа Мастер Контроль|ПМК]], в результате чего Флинн получил бы свой файл.
Оказавшись неспособным вернуть себе свои авторские права самостоятельно, Флинн попросил помощи у своей бывшей девушки [[Лора Бейнс|Лоры]] и ее нового бойфренда [[Алан Бредли|Алана]]. Они решили помочь Флинну получить прямой доступ к компьютерной системе [[Encom]] и найти доказательства. Флинн должен был открыть Алану Брэдли доступ к Группе 6, что позволило бы тому запустить свою программу [[Трон]] и отдать команду на выключение [[Программа Мастер Контроль|ПМК]], в результате чего Флинн получил бы свой файл.

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Шаблон:Требуется перевод

Flynn infobox1
Биографические сведения
Год рождения

1949 год

Пользовательское имя




Дата смерти

2010 год

Место смерти

Портал, Система ТРОН

Физические данные



≈1.85 м

Цвет волос

Каштановые, позже - седые

Цвет глаз


Цвет лица


Другая информация
  • Хакер/Программер
  • Владелец зала аркад
  • Создатель видео-игр
  • Ген. директор ENCOM (1983-1989)
  • Создатель Системы ТРОН
Личная программа

Персональный диск

Транспортное средство

Трон, Рам, Йори, Алан Бредли, Лора Бэйнес, Бит, Кворра.

Вне вселенной ТРОН

Джефф Бриджес


«Приветствую, программы!»
Кевин Флинн

(источник) Звуковая цитата

Кевин Флинн (англ. Kevin Flynn, 1949-2010) — одаренный программист, который в 1982 создал серию самых продаваемых видео-игр для компании ENCOM, а именно: «Космические параноики», «Matrix Blaster», «Полиция нравов» и «Светоциклы (игра)». Другой программист Эд Диллинжер украл их код, оставив Флинна ни с чем, после чего он был уволен из ENCOM, а Диллинжер занял кресло вице-президента компании. Позже с помощью его друзей: Алана и Лоры - Флинн доказал то, что это он создал эти игры и уже в должности вице-президента Творческого развития придумал Трон - аркадную игру, основанную на его приключениях в Компьютерном мире вместе с программой Трон. Эта игра стала супер-популярной, и благодаря ей ENCOM стала крупнейшей компанией по созданию компьютерных игр.

Флинн поженился на Джордан Канас, и у них вскоре появился сын - Сэм. После смерти жены в 1985 году Кевин сосредоточил все свои силы над созданием "цифровой вселенной, которая изменит жизнь человечества".

В 1989 году Флинн был на грани нового открытия, но внезапно исчез, оставив Сэма сиротой, а ENCOM без Генерального директора. Так было до 2010 года, когда уже взрослый Сэм в поисках отца попал в систему и нашел его.



Флинн родился в конце 1940-х годов в городе Парамус, штат Нью-Джерси. В 1980 году Флинн получил докторскую степень в Калифорнийском Техническом институте, после чего устроился в ENCOM и приступил к созданию серии популярных игр для компании. В 1981 он открыл собственное заведение, зал игровых автоматов - Аркаду Флинна, оборудовав его собственными играми и некоторыми классическими аркадами. Конкурирующий с ним программист Encom Эд Диллинджер использовал секретную функцию, встроенную им в центральный процессор административной Программы Мастер Контроль, для того чтобы выкрасть код игр Флинна и выдать их за свое творение. После это Флинн был уволен в связи с назначением Диллинджера исполнительным вице-президентом.


В отместку, Флинн совершил несколько попыток взлома главной системы ENCOM при помощи своей лучшей хакерской программы - Клу - чтобы завладеть доказательствами обмана Диллинджера, но был замечен ПМК. Действия Флинна привели к тому, что Диллинджер был вынужден усилить защиту и закрыть доступ к центральной системе всем, включая программистов ENCOM. Среди последних оказался и Алан Брэдли, в тот момент работавший над программой безопасности Трон.

Оказавшись неспособным вернуть себе свои авторские права самостоятельно, Флинн попросил помощи у своей бывшей девушки Лоры и ее нового бойфренда Алана. Они решили помочь Флинну получить прямой доступ к компьютерной системе Encom и найти доказательства. Флинн должен был открыть Алану Брэдли доступ к Группе 6, что позволило бы тому запустить свою программу Трон и отдать команду на выключение ПМК, в результате чего Флинн получил бы свой файл.

Проведя Флинна в здание Encom, Лора отвела его к своему терминалу в лаборатории, где она работала над экспериментальной лазерной технологией по преобразованию материи. Кевин приступил к осуществлению плана, не заметив, что сидит как раз напротив лазера, который и был активирован ПМК, сразу засекшим попытку доступа. После оцифровки Флинн оказался в киберпространстве, где незамедлительно схвачен, а ПМК рассказал своему помощнику, командору Сарку, о том, кем действительно является Флинн и приказал убить его в играх.

Shortly afterwards, Flynn met a program named Ram and was told all about the Master Control Program's rules, eventually discovering that captured conscripts were forced to play in the games. Initially unaware that he was participating in "gladiator" games, Flynn realized the danger of his situation when he refused to kill a fellow conscript, Crom, in a ring game. Flynn was later transported to the Game Grid to play a lightcycle game alongside Ram and Tron and exploited his knowledge of the game program to their advantage, forcing one of the MCP's gladiators to crash into the Game Grid's wall and opening up an escape route.

Flynn gradually discovered that as a User, he possessed god-like powers in the computer dimension, enabling him to manipulate the world around him at will. He managed to reassemble and reactivate a destroyed Recognizer, redirected an energy transport beam after it had been sabotaged by the MCP, and even saved Yori and himself from being derezzed along with Sark's ship after Sark departed for the MCP. Although his understanding of this newfound power was still rudimentary, Flynn courageously engaged the Master Control Program in person and diverted its attention long enough for Tron to disable it permanently. Its destruction returned Flynn to the real world and allowed him to access the incriminating evidence he needed to depose of Dillinger, which in turn saw him promoted to the position of ENCOM CEO, and enabled him to promote Alan and Lora to the board of directors.

1983-1989 годы


Kevin bids farewell to Sam before his unexpected disappearance.

Despite all of the success and wealth his new position at ENCOM gave him, Flynn's time in the digital world changed him deeply and he became obsessed with returning there. To that end, he created a digital frontier he called the "Grid". Intended as a playground where he could experiment to his heart's content, the Grid slowly but surely became more complex and began to take on a life of its own as it teemed with programs of all sorts.

Although he received help from Tron in keeping the Grid safe, Kevin came to realize that he couldn't be in two places at once and recreated his old hacking program Clu to watch over the digital frontier in his absence and hone it to perfection. However, the relationship between creator and creation was strained by Flynn's duties in the real world, such as being a father to his newborn son Sam.

Файл:Flynn Comic.png

Flynn overlooking the Grid.

In the years that followed, Kevin grew increasingly distant from his life in the real world as he devoted more and more time to his pet project and would frequently leave Sam in the care of his parents. By 1989, Kevin disappeared under what the general public considered mysterious circumstances, which in turn forced his resignation from ENCOM and left his friend Alan Bradley to take his place. In reality, Kevin had returned to the Grid once again and - following a surprise attack by the now-renegade Clu - found himself trapped inside when the portal back home closed on him.

2010 год


Flynn, 20 years after he disappeared into Cyberspace.

Two decades later (equivalent to over 1000 "Grid Years"), an aged Flynn is revealed to be residing in a hideaway located off-Grid, with his only friend and confidante, Quorra, and has adopted a spiritual outlook on life. After being reunited with his now-adult son, Flynn reveals everything that happened since his disappearance.

Despite Sam's efforts to help him return home, Flynn remains reluctant to leave and tells Sam that Clu has now taken over TRON City, seeking to steal and use the information stored on Kevin's identity disk for his own nefarious purposes. Kevin is eventually drawn out of hiding following Clu's attack on the End of Line Club and rescues Sam, who had gone against his wishes and sought help from the club's owner Castor, only to lose his identity disk in the fight.

Flynn is shown to still possess some of his unique "User-power" - though seemingly on a vastly-diminished scale - which enables him to stabilize and restore the severely damaged/injured Quorra. Kevin accompanies Sam and Quorra in their journey to Clu's lair to retrieve his disk and helps them to escape by stealing a Light Jet. In the ensuing aerial battle, Flynn asks Clu's enforcer Rinzler - whom he previously recognized as Tron - what has become of him, convincing the former hero to remember his true identity.

Flynn ultimately realizes the error of his ways regarding his quest for perfection. In a final burst of his old power, Kevin telekinetically seizes Clu and then "reintegrates" with his doppelganger in order to save Sam, Quorra and The Grid, sacrificing himself in the process.

Flynn's Chronological Age/Continuity of Existence

Existential concepts related to Flynn's age and appearance in Tron: Legacy are largely unexplored in the film itself. Regardless of the actual duration of time that has passed for him, or how he "appears" while on the Grid, it would seem clear that Flynn has experienced a continual, conscious existence far exceeding that of any other human being in history.


When Sam finally relocates his father on the Grid, Flynn appears to be a man in his late 50s/early 60s. However, his appearance may be misleading—it is entirely possible that his appearance on the Grid is not subject to the normal, degenerative affects of aging as they would manifest in reality. Several novel reasons might explain such discrepancies.

One possibility is that, as the creator of the Grid, Flynn may well have direct control over his "physical" appearance while on the Grid—he may simply have chosen to appear to be a man in his late 50s/early 60s, as would be consistent with his chronological, "real-world" age off the Grid.

Another possibility is that Flynn's appearance as an "old" program may simply be consistent with (or required by) the programming of the Grid itself, much as the (also largely unexplored) concept of "old" programs like Dumont in the original Tron. However, this possibility would seem negated by the appearance of other, "old" programs such as Clu and Quorra that appear to be quite young, even though they are similarly much "older" in Grid time.

Yet another possibility is that Flynn "ages" much as he would in reality, albeit at an (effectively) slower rate due to the time dilation between reality and the Grid. However, this would seem contradicted by the simple fact that, were a user's "real" body to be somehow microminiaturized and present on the Grid in a physical sense, their body would presumably age much faster than it would in reality.


An even greater mystery is the simple question: How old is Kevin Flynn?

(Note: The following calculations cannot account for the unknown amount of time Flynn spent on the Grid from the time of its creation, to when he became trapped there. Whatever length of time involved, could logically only add to the numbers estimated below. It should also be noted that the following calculations are supported by anecdotal comments from Disney marketing materials, but of course these should not necessarily be accepted as canon.)

We begin with the passage of time itself, as it is measured in reality. Per the chronometer briefly visible on Kevin's console when Sam wipes dust from the touch panel and activates the computer, it would seem that the Grid has been running continuously for 20 years, 11 months, 20 days, 16 hours, 22 minutes, and 16 seconds.

Extrapolating from this, based on a few hints and possible references mentioned in the film: Depending on how one measures the passage of time on the Grid, it would seem that Flynn may have been in continual "existence" for more than 1,200 years (perhaps much more), as he would have perceived it.

One hint of this is when Sam notes to his father that it has been a "long time" since they've seen each other, and Flynn replies, "You have no idea." Flynn makes further comments that support this argument, such as his references to "hours on the Grid" seeming to be "like minutes back home", and a "millicycle" (presumably a very short time measurement) being equivalent to "about 8 hours".

While the interested observer is required to interpret certain references (such as "cycle" and "millicycle") without guidance, we may yet have enough information from which to calculate an approximate "age" for Flynn. If we accept the relatively vague statement in the film of "hours on the Grid" seeming like "minutes back home", as a literal ratio of 1 hour on the Grid equating to one minute in reality (a uniform 60:1 ratio), the relative time dilation could be calculated as follows:

  • 1 minute in reality = 1 hour on the Grid
  • 1 day in reality = 1,440 minutes in reality = 1,440 hours (approximately 60 days) on the Grid
  • 1 year in reality = 525,600 minutes in reality = 525,600 hours (approximately 21,900 days, or 60 years) on the Grid
  • Ergo: 21 years in reality x 60 years on the Grid ≈ 1,260 years, as experienced by Flynn

This calculation would seem consistent with Castor's statement regarding Clu having sought out Flynn's identity disc for "1,000 cycles".

Another way to interpret the numbers could be as follows:

  • 1 millicycle would presumably be 1/1000th of a cycle
  • 1 millicycle = 8 Grid hours
  • 1,000 millicycles = 8,000 Grid hours = 1 cycle
  • 1,000 cycles = 8,000,000 hours ≈ 913 years

This would again seem consistent with the earlier numbers already derived, especially when considering that Flynn and Clu were not always adversarial and so there would have been an unknown period of time during the creation of the Grid for which one must account.

However, the latter calculation would then demand one reevaluate the initial chronometer that Sam first encountered. Is the chronometer reflecting the real-world runtime of the Grid's entire existence? Or is it only the amount of time accounted for during Kevin Flynn's "current" presence on the Grid, as dated from the moment he was last inserted? Or perhaps it is simply a screensaver indicator for the display panel? Permutations deriving from these considerations are likely beyond the scope of this article, but the interested observer should keep them in mind nonetheless.

While unlikely, it should be noted that yet another (albeit novel) possibility does exist: If the reference to a "millicycle" ended up equating to an millisecond as measured in reality, Kevin Flynn's continuity would approach a near-incomprehensible 600,000,000 years!

За кулисами

  • According to the 4th draft of the script for TRON, Flynn's hometown is Paramus, New Jersey.
  • In the film TRON: Legacy, Flynn has developed a more detached sense of self in addition to his more spiritual view on life, and is also shown meditating. Furthermore, he still uses phrases from the 70's and 80's like "radical" whenever something piques his interest, and - following an argument with his son - accused Sam of "messing with (his) Zen thing, man.".
  • According to the novelisation of TRON, Flynn's full name is Kevin O. Flynn.